Monday, February 7, 2011

19 weeks and counting!!!

So here's my first official belly shot.  It seems like I got 'thicker and thicker' for weeks, then suddenly just popped!

We are nearly at the halfway point now... it's pretty anti-climatic and exciting at the same time.  If the baby comes early at all then we are past the halfway mark.

Everything is going perfect.  There's no reason for any kind of concern.  Baby boy's heartbeat is loud and clear on the doppler and I am feeling pretty darn good for being 39 years old, working full time with a hubby away for the winter!

I've noticed a bit of discomfort and slight pain at night with my back and tummy muscles.  I think it's about time for some well placed pillows to take some of the pressure off the weight of the baby.  Not that the baby weighs much.  Just under a pound and about 9" long at this point.  But with the fluid, the stretching muscles and general displacement of my internal organs, I'm feeling it!

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